

Details of the service provider

  • Name: Patricius Borház Kft.
  • Registered office at: H-3917 Bodrogkisfalud, Várhegy-dűlő, 3357 hrsz, Hungary
  • Tax identification no.: 12787816-2-05
  • Email:

Detail of the hosting service provider

  • Name: Web Hosting Kft.
  • Registered office at: H-1116 Budapest, Talpas u. 3, Hungary
  • Branch office at: H-9700 Szombathely, Semmelweis Ignác utca 2., Hungary
  • Email:

Code of Internet content providing

The agrees to be bound by the Code of Content Providing  of the Association of Hungarian Internet Providers.

Comments regarding the Website

The IT background of is supervised by Webshark.
The Website’s operation is based on Galeus CMS.

Please send your comments regarding any problems with the Website’s operation to the email address .

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